How Counselling Works

I know how overwhelming it can be searching for a counsellor, as there are so many different types of counselling therapies.  I am a psychotherapeutic counsellor working pluralistically.  This means that I will tailor sessions to be what would work for you as a unique individual.  We would work together to find the best type of counselling for you.  I work in person centred counselling, CBT and psychodynamic counselling, amongst others.  This means that therapy will align with your wishes.  I have explained the different type of counselling in more detail below, but we could talk about this in further detail in sessions if you’d like to.  Many clients prefer a mix of approaches if this would suit them best.

Sessions can take place face to face in my private therapy room in Selby, or counselling online is an option.  The most important thing is you feeling comfortable.

I can also offer a free chat on the phone before booking a session, as I know it’s important to find the right counsellor for you.

I can assure you of a non-judgemental, calm and confidential therapy.  I am a member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy society and align with their code of ethics. 

Areas of counselling I work in

While I specialise in anxiety, I am a fully qualified psychotherapist in the following areas:




Relationship issues



Bereavement, grief and loss

Low self-esteem/confidence/self-worth

Physical health issues

Difficult life events

Work related stress

General anxiety disorder/panic

This list is by no means exhaustive and just an example of areas I can work with.  Please contact me if you have a different issue to see if I can help, or signpost you to other services that may help.

A few of the different types of counselling and what they mean

Person Centred

In Person-centred counselling sessions you will be encouraged to bring your own issues to the session – the counselling is led by you and not as directed by me.

I would help you to explore your own issues, feelings, beliefs, behaviour, and worldview, so you can become more self-aware and achieve greater independence.


Psychodynamic Counselling

This type of talking therapy focuses on helping people understand why certain things are repeatedly difficult and distressing for them, so that they can then manage their situation more effectively. The core belief is that the difficulties we have in the present may have developed their roots in past experiences, and we repeat patterns of behaviour.  It is in understanding them that we gain conscious control over our current situation. This can include talking about difficult events or trauma from childhood, or the past.  It may include Schema therapy, or attachment work. 



Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you to manage problems by encouraging you to recognise how your thoughts can affect your feelings and behaviour. CBT combines a cognitive approach (examining your thoughts) with a behavioural approach (the things you do). The aim is to break overwhelming problems down into smaller parts, so that they are easier to manage. It is a more practical and solution focussed counselling option.



This talking therapy can help guide self-acceptance, and in talking things through, both past and present issues, you will be able to see a clearer path forward and realise real change is possible.  It can also help with coping mechanisms and is great for someone who wants to take their time talking through their experiences.  It can also include Gestalt work, focussing on self-awareness.


Tel: 07311 627 204
Email: [email protected]

Where to find us:
177 Leeds Road


Cancellation Policy:

In case of cancellation 24 hours’ notice is to be given or full fee is payable.